The Power Of Sacrifice
2 Samuel 24:24
The sacrifice you make today will determine where you will be tomorrow.
The sacrifice that produces blessing provokes God.
Sacrifice is giving up pleasure to get the treasure.
Until you forgo something, you will never go up.
Sacrifice is the greatest secret of great men and women.
Sacrifice means giving out something that is highly valued for the kingdom of God.
Sacrifice is giving up something that is useful to you.
Sacrifice is going beyond your best. It is also a sign of true dedication.
Nobody love without giving.
Sacrifice is giving out things that are precious and valuable to you.
It reserves the curse. Anyone that sacrifice is not wasteable.
It can terminate the agenda of hell
Situations are turned around – 1 Kings 17:8-16
When things are tight.
When God instructs you to do so.
The more you analyze your blessing, you paralyze God’s blessing
Complete obedience to God’s instruction brings a speedy manifestation of his blessings